
Q&A: How Do I Get to Be A Thinspiration?

Question Asked: “How Do I Get to Be Skinny and A Real Thinspiration?”

I want my hipbones to stick out a bit and I want a thigh gap. I don’t want to be unhealthy or anything, just happy with myself, and I KNOW my limitations.

1) How do I get to be skinny?

2) How many calories should I eat?

3) How often should I workout?

4) How long do you think it’ll take me to lose 30 pounds?



Becoming a thinspiration is not an easy thing to do. You have to know that it’s not just about becoming skinny.. It’s about choosing to be healthy. To answer your questions,

1. Becoming “skinny” can have a negative impact to the community. But if you will lose weight properly, you can still feel and look good while losing your extra pounds. All you need to do is to have a proper diet and regular exercise. You need to have self discipline because this is not going to be easy.

2. It actually depends on your body weight and on your activity. The goal is to eat food with less calories or burn the calories from the food you ate by exercising regularly.

3. You can work out twice or thrice a week – around 15 minutes to one hour. That should be a good start..

4. Again, it depends on your current weight and the exercise and diet that you have. You can see some changes in a week..